Independent Living Resource Center, is able to help clients with getting on disability and other social services.
Contact: Carol Baizer
Number: (805) 963-0595
Who is eligible and how do we provide services?
We welcome anyone with a disability regardless of age, or type of limiting condition. The ADA defines a person with a disability as someone with an impairment that substantially limits his/her functioning. That person is eligible for our services if they can benefit from receiving them.
All our services are a combined effort of the consumer and the staff. We work to provide information about the array of choices available and assist our consumers to follow the path they want.
ILRC is a non-profit organization and does not charge for its services. We rely on funding from state, federal and local grants, the United Way, community businesses and individual donations in order to provide services to the community.
Information and Referral
“Information is power,” as the saying goes. ILRC empowers consumers by providing them with information they may use to access the tools, strategies and accommodations that make living in the community successful.
Each ILRC office is staffed with an Information & Referral Specialist (I&R Specialist) who speaks fluent English and Spanish. Consumers who visit an ILRC office can use our resource library and/or consumer computer workstations that have internet access and can be used to find information, write résumés or other documents.
If ILRC doesn’t have the information needed by the consumer, the I&R Specialist will provide him or her with referrals to other resources and agencies that specialize in that consumer’s particular area of need, including government agencies (city, county, state or national), other nonprofit, community-based organizations.
If you decide you would like assistance in assessing your needs or achieving personal goals related to independence – learning about coping mechanisms for a newly acquired disability, for example, or support strategies for families adjusting to the growing independence of a family member with a disability – then the I&R Specialist will refer you to a Community Living Advocate for and appointment for assistance and peer support. (Request information about that process.)