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What does the Society of St. Vincent de Paul do?
We are the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
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Who is St. Vincent de Paul?
St. Vincent de Paul, a Person of the 17th Century, a Person for the 21st Century.
Who is Blessed Frederic Ozanam?
The History of The Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Our Pope Francis on the Holy Spirit:
Pope Francis says: The life of a community is measured by harmony, witness, poverty and care for the poor. The Spirit creates the unity motivates us to witness, and makes us poor, because He is our wealth, and this leads us to care for the poor.
This one is not on youtube but it's very, very good and inspirational for people of all faiths:
What does he get for doing good?
July 2014 - A new one:
Giving is the best communication
July 2014 - A new one from our Pope Francis about what Jesus promises those in need, and the damage indifference causes on those who are in need:
Loneliness is one of many evils that plague our elderly. Here is one way in which elderly people can feel re-connected, appreciated, and loved: